List of Articles

Journal of Channel and Retailing. Vol. 26, No. 4, 2021

Research article
The Effects of Incentive Package Travel with Sales Agents on Add-on Buying: Evidence from China’s Life Insurance Industry
보험 판매원과 함께 하는 무료 여행 보상이 보험상품 추가 구매에 미치는 영향: 중국 보험 산업을 중심으로
J. Channel Retail. 2021;26(4):1-22.
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The Effect of Traditional Market Revitalization Plans on Retailer Equity and Usage Intention of Traditional Markets
전통시장 활성화 방안이 전통시장의 소매점 자산과 이용의도에 미치는 영향
J. Channel Retail. 2021;26(4):23-48.
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Trade Area Analysis through Gravity Model
중력모델(Gravity Model) 을 통한 상권분석
J. Channel Retail. 2021;26(4):49-72.
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Developing an Online Channel Eco-system Framework and its Applications
온라인 유통 생태계 프레임워크 개발과 적용방안
J. Channel Retail. 2021;26(4):73-102.
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