List of Articles

Journal of Channel and Retailing. Vol. 24, No. 1, 2019

Research article
The Influence of Outlets on Surrounding Stores: Focused on Yeoju Premium Outlets
아울렛 출점이 주변 점포에 미치는 영향: 여주프리미엄아울렛을 중심으로*
J. Channel Retail. 2019;24(1):1-23.
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The Impact of Purchase Decision Hesitation Information on Consumers' Purchase Decision : The Moderating Role of Product Type
다른 소비자들의 구매결정유보가 제품군별 구매의사결정에 미치는 영향
J. Channel Retail. 2019;24(1):25-49.
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Analysis of User Telepresence and Behavioral Intention in Virtual Reality Shopping Environment
가상현실 유통 환경에서의 원격실재감과 소비자 구매행동 분석*
J. Channel Retail. 2019;24(1):51-71.
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The Technology Acceptance Model on Vein Recognition Payment and Unmanned Store
정맥인식결제 및 무인점포 기술수용모형에 관한 연구
J. Channel Retail. 2019;24(1):73-96.
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Effects of the Formation of Relational Embeddedness Between Flight Crews and Passengers on Customer Trust and Loyalty
객실 승무원과 승객 간의 관계 배태성 형성 및 항공사 신뢰도 및 충성도에 미치는 영향
J. Channel Retail. 2019;24(1):97-118.
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Resolving Franchise Disputes Through Corporate In-House Mediation*
자율조정을 통한 가맹본부-가맹점 간 분쟁해결*
J. Channel Retail. 2019;24(1):119-150.
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