List of Articles

Journal of Channel and Retailing. Vol. 20, No. 1, 2015

Research article
Study on the Influence of Service Failure Recovering Responses on the Justice Perception of Indifferent Customers of Fashion Store
서비스 실패유형에 따른 대응방안이 공정성 지각에 미치는 영향: 패션점포 내 고객불량행동 발생 상황의 타고객 관점에서
J. Channel Retail. 2015;20(1):1-34.
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The Effects of Service Providers’ Attractiveness and Relational Attributes on Customer Co-defection Intention
종업원의 매력도 및 관계특성이 고객의 동반이탈의도에 미치는 영향
J. Channel Retail. 2015;20(1):35-59.
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Effects of a Dominant Retailer’s Exclusive Dealing on Distribution Channel Structures
대형소매점의 단독 판매가 유통경로구조에 미치는 영향
J. Channel Retail. 2015;20(1):61-91.
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Optimal Channel Structures for Firms with Different Cost Reduction Capabilities
비용절감능력이 상이한 기업들의 유통경로구조 전략
J. Channel Retail. 2015;20(1):93-123.
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Modular Store Design and Firm Performance
소매점 묘쥴화 디자인과 판매
J. Channel Retail. 2015;20(1):125-138.
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가맹본부의 재무성과주장에 대한 규제 : 핵심쟁점과 개선방향
Regulations on Franchisor’s Financial Performance Representations: Critical Issues and the Suggestions for Further Development
J. Channel Retail. 2015;20(1):139-170.
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