Case article
ESG Strategy and Cases in the Distribution Industry: Focusing on Walmart, Amazon, Emart, and Coupang
유통산업의 ESG 전략과 사례: 월마트, 아마존, 이마트, 쿠팡을 중심으로
Yonggu Suh, Hyunyi Lee, Yeonsung Jung
서용구, 이현이, 정연승
J. Channel Retail. 2022;27(2):77-99.
Research article
Research article
Research article
Research article
Policy article
Research article
Developing an Online Channel Eco-system Framework and its Applications
온라인 유통 생태계 프레임워크 개발과 적용방안
Dong Il Lee, Hyejun Lee, Jong-il Choi
이동일, 이혜준, 최종일
J. Channel Retail. 2021;26(4):73-102.
Policy article
Promoting Collaboration between On-line Platforms and Users
온라인 플랫폼 사업자와 이용자 간 상생협력 촉진 방안
Young Kyun Lim, Soojung Jung
임영균, 정수정
J. Channel Retail. 2022;27(1):111-146.
Research article
Research article
A Comparative Study of Difference-in-Differences (DID), Synthetic Control Method (SCM), Synthetic Difference-in-Differences (SDID): Effects of Early-Morning Delivery
이중 차분법(DID), 통제집단합성법(SCM), 통제집단합성-이중차분법(SDID)의 비교 연구: 새벽배송 진입효과 분석
JinHyeong Suh, Hwan Chung, ChunHan Cho, Juyoung Kim
서진형, 정환, 조춘한, 김주영
J. Channel Retail. 2024;29(4):121-148.